You gain the winning edge in business by knowing how to get the job done
and by knowing how to treat people well. It's a winning combination. The following books
will help you in your study of people skills and etiquette, and they will contribute to
your personal growth.
Book Topics
Etiquette & Protocol
| Body Language | Civility/Society
| Conversation
Correspondence | Dining | Gift-Giving | Image | International/Cross-Cultural

Etiquette & Protocol
At Ease...Professionally - Klinkenberg, Hilka
Our favorite, written by the founder and managing director of Etiquette International,
contains everything professionals need to know to feel polished and self-assured in any
business situation. It's part of the package of reference material we give to all
participants in our seminars and one-on-one coaching sessions. |
Debrett's Correct Form - Montague-Smith, Patrick, ed.
When it comes to the complex British system of titles, there is no better reference book.
An invaluable and "infallible" guide for anyone dealing with the British.
Miss Manners' Basic Training: Communication - Martin,
In her famously arch and witty style, Miss Manners explains everything anyone needs to
know about communicating with others.
New Complete Guide to Executive Manners - Baldridge,
An excellent, comprehensive reference book on all aspects of American business etiquette
by the doyenne of American business etiquette.
Protocol - McCaffree, Mary Jane and Pauline B. Innes
In this comprehensive 'bible' of diplomatic, official and social usage, the authors
de-scribe the forms and procedures that constitute good protocol. What other book tells
you how to deal with gate-crashers, the press, flag etiquette, order of diplomatic
precedence and White House entertaining. That's why we include it in the reference
pack-age for our seminar attendees.
The Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette - Tuckerman,
Nancy & Nancy Dunnan
The latest revision of a classic etiquette book. This is my favorite reference for social
etiquette because it is practical, accessible and, as far as I've been able to determine,
correct in all matters pertaining to the major and minor social events of our lives. A
must for your bookshelf.
The New Manners for the 90's - Baldridge, Leticia
A complete updated guide to everything you need to know to handle the changing pro-tocols
for today's intricate interpersonal relationships as well as for the traditional rituals
of our lives. This is another one of Ms. Baldrige's many excellent books on etiquette.

Body Language
Gestures - Axtell, Roger

Believers and Beliefs: A Practical Guide to Religious Etiquette
for Business and Social Occasions - White, Gayle Colquitt
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than I.Q. for
Character, Health and Lifelong Achievement - Goleman, Daniel
This book should be required reading for every parent, educator, or any individual
who speaks or acts without thinking. If you want some insights into curbing the increasing
incivility in today's society, this book is for you.

Making People Talk - Farber, Barry

Addressing Overseas Business Letters - Allen,
The title says it all. A terrific reference that tells you how to address the envelope
correctly, handle the title of the recipient, and in which language the letter should
ideally be written. Worth its weight for the added impact your overseas correspondence
will have.
Crane's Blue Book of Stationery: The Styles and Etiquette of
Letters, Notes, and Invitations - Feinberg, Stephen
An excellent book that explains a proper stationery wardrobe for all occasions and
explains the styles and etiquette of letters, notes and invitations.
Forms of Address: A guide for Business and Social Usage -
Holberg, Andrea et al.
A great little illustrated book on how to address just about anyone in business and social
correspondence, in person, or in an introduction
Just a Note to Say: The Perfect Words for Every Occasion
- Isaacs, Florence
Another terrific resource for those who are correspondence-challenged. I referred to this
tiny book just the other day when my mind went blank composing a condolence note. It has
good suggestions without being maudlin or syrupy.
Special Words: Notes for When You Don't Know What to Say
- Heatherley, Joyce Landorf
This is a terrific book to have if the words just don't flow as smoothly from your pen as
you would like.
The 100 Most Difficult Business Letters You'll Ever Have to Write,
Fax, or E-Mail: Clear Guidance on How to Write Your Way Out of the Toughest Business -
Heller, Bernard

Great Napkin Folding & Table Setting - Muller,
Marianne & Ola Mikolasek
Even if fancy napkin folding is not your 'thing,' this book is worth having because it has
some of the clearest photographs of proper table settings you'll find. And, it includes
good descriptions and photos of the components of a properly set table, all for a
reasonable price.
Miss Manners' Basic Training: Eating - Martin, Judith
The Rituals of Dinner - Visser, Margaret
An interesting examination of how and why we eat the way we do, with fascinating
his-torical and cultural references to table manners. This book goes way beyond the
es-sentials of dining skills, to explore the traditions and significance of the way we
attend to one of the most basic aspects of our survival.

Gift Giving
In the Tiffany Style: Gift Giving for All Occasions - Tuckerman,
A classic from a classic source of gifts.
The Art and Etiquette of Gift-Giving - Bryan, Dawn
This book is out of print, but look for it in your local library. It covers every
gift-giving situation you can imagine both in the USA and abroad.

Command Respect: Cultivate the Qualities That Inspire and Impress
Others - Garfinkel, Perry, Brian Paul Kaufman and the Editors of Men's Health
A spunky new book written in a style designed to appeal to young men starting out in
business, but full of information that businessmen and businesswomen could benefit from.
Hilka Klinkenberg is quoted extensively in the chapters "Around the World: How to
Avoid a Culture Clash" and "At a Party: Merry-Making Made Easy."

International / Cross-Cultural
American Ways, A Guide for Foreigners in the United States
- Althen, G.
In clear language, the author describes the basics of American culture and how it differs
from the ways of other cultures. Most important for persons who have newly arrived in the
USA, he explains how to respond most effectively to the Americans they will meet.
Bargaining Across Borders - Foster, Dean Allen
This book focuses on developing the skills of a good international negotiator rather than
acting as a "do's and don'ts" cultural primer.
Brit-think Ameri-think: A Transatlantic Survival Guide - Walmsley,
A hysterically funny, irreverent book about the differences between the British and the
Americans by an American writer married to an Englishman and living in England. I first
read this book on a flight from New York to San Francisco, and I cried with laughter the
entire way. Don't miss it!
Celebrations Around the World: A Multicultural Handbook -
Angell, Carole S.
Celebrations are an integral part of any culture. This is an excellent resource to help
you say and do the right thing with your multicultural friends, neighbors and colleagues.
Communicating with Customers Around the World - Chan-Herur,
A concise, easy-to-use guide filled with 'must-know' information and practical tips to
help you communicate with your international customers
Cracking the Global Market - Nadell
Diplomatic Handbook - Feltham, R. G.
Newly-revised text for those embarking on a diplomatic career that details the structure
and various functions of the diplomatic community. And, it also provides valuable and
practical information on protocol and procedures.
All of Roger Axtell's "Do's and Taboos" books are
indispensable resources, written in an amusing and easy-to-read style, that will help you
avoid the faux pas that can undermine international relations.
Do's and Taboos Around the World - Roger Axtell
One of the most popular quick reference books available for the international traveler.
Do's and Taboos Around the World for Women in Business
- Roger Axtell
Women are not perceived the same way in other countries as they are in the USA. This book
will help prepare you for some of the issues women face in the international business
Do's and Taboos of English Around the World - Roger Axtell
Churchill once said the England and the USA are two countries divided by a common
language. Just imagine the potential for linguistic misunderstanding when English is
someone's second or third language! This book will help you avoid some of the misleading
statements or embarrassing situations caused by our use of colloquial English.
Do's and Taboos of Hosting International Visitors -
Roger Axtell
Do's and Taboos of Preparing for Your Trip - Roger Axtell
This comprehensive travel planner and guide makes it faster and easier than ever to plan a
trip abroad by offering step-by-step guidance and by anticipating
Dun & Bradstreet's Guide to Doing Business Around the
World - Morrison, Teresa C., Wayne A. Conaway, Joseph Douress, Terri Morrison
This book focuses on the nuts and bolts of doing business abroad rather than on the
intricacies of building the relationships that allow you to do business abroad. An
excellent reference, but remember that in many parts of the world you will never get to
this point if you haven't developed the relationships.
Gestures: Do's and Taboos of Body Language
Going International: How to Make Friends and Deal Effectively in
the Global Marketplace - Copeland, L. and L. Griggs
A good primer if you're entering the international arena.
How to Negotiate Anything With Anyone Anywhere Around the World
- Acuff, Frank
A good overview on negotiating strategies & tactics that is also a valuable and
practical guide to negotiating with 40 cultures around the world.
How to Plan a Successful Trip - Hoffman, Ellen
Whether you're about to embark on your first trip abroad or whether you're a seasoned
veteran, this little book is filled with terrific suggestions and checklists to reduce the
stress of travel.
International Excellence - Engholm, Christopher &
Diana Rowland
A succinct, well-written guide to the seven breakthrough strategies for personal and
professional success in the international arena. Each chapter ends with a personal
assessment survey so you can check your level of expertise or preparedness.
International Negotiation - Fisher, Glen
A skinny, but valuable, book that provides a conceptual framework of 5 considerations to
help you better understand and manage the negotiating process in the international arena.
My copy is highlighted from first sentence to last.
Japanese Business Etiquette - Rowland, Diana
A practical guide filled with detailed information to help you interact successfully in
business with the Japanese.
Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty
Countries - Morrison, Terri, et al.
A good, easy-to-use reference of the basics for the countries with which you're likely to
do business. We include this book in the reference materials we give to the participants
in our international protocol/etiquette seminars.
Managing Cultural Differences - Harris, Philip R. and
Robert T. Moran
This is really a textbook in style and scope, but the self-assessment surveys,
question-naires, and inventories are terrific tools.
Mindsets, The Role of Culture and Perception in International
Relations - Fisher, Glen
Multicultural Manners: New Rules of Etiquette for a Changing
Society - Dresser, Norinne
An informative and entertaining guide to manners in today's multicultural American society
by the writer of the 'Multicultural Manners' column for the Los Angeles Times. Full of
'aha' moments about every day interactions.
Riding the Waves of Culture - Trompenaars, Fons
Although it is a bit textbookish, this is an excellent book to enlighten American managers
on various global cultures and how their intrinsic beliefs impact business interactions
and influence business behavior. Includes excellent examples of successful and failed
cross-cultural business transactions of Fortune 500 companies.
Rules of the Game: Global Business Protocol - Leaptrott,
This book, by my friend and colleague, is a simple, practical methodology for
under-standing intercultural interactions. By examining fundamental motivating factors for
each culture, you learn to identify the rules around the world and understand the global
players, their motivations and their modus operandi.
Survival Kit for Overseas Living - Kohls. L. Robert
I wish I had read this book before moving to any of the six countries in which I've lived.
Then I would have known the potential perils of moving to a new country and I would have
had some awareness of the tools needed to overcome the obstacles instead of learning it
all the hard way!
The Art of Crossing Cultures - Storti, Craig
This little book will help anyone understand the mental processes that occur when
confronting a different culture, and how to anticipate the differences and master
alternative reactions.
The Asian Mind Game - Chu, Chin-Ning
This fascinating insight into the secrets of the Asian psyche that influence Asian
behavior in business, politics, lifestyle, and battle (or negotiation!) is essential
reading for anyone negotiating with Asian executives.
The International Businesswoman of the 90's: A Guide to Success in
the Global Marketplace - Rossman, Marlene
Filled with helpful information and practical advice on how to take advantage of your
natural abilities.
The Pan-American Dream: Do Latin America's Cultural Values
Discourage True Partnership with the United States and Canada - Harrison,
Lawrence E.
This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the future of the Americas as an
economic unit. It is a hard-hitting examination of the contrasting and conflicting values
and attitudes of the Ibero-Catholic and Anglo-Protestant cultures and their effects on
current and future economic relations by a man who knows his subject well.
The Seven Cultures of Capitalism - Hampden-Turner,
Charles & Alfons Trompenaars
The authors examine the unique values, habits, and cultural styles of the USA, Britain,
France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, and the Netherlands as key ingredients of their economic
success. Understanding these different habits helps us gain control over our business
behavior when dealing with representatives of these cultures.
Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity
- Fukuyama, Francis
One of my favorite books and a 'must' for anyone serious about doing business in other
cultures. Fukuyama contends that we cannot divorce economic life from cultural life and
that social capital is as important as physical capital. He analyses the relevance of
social trust in creating the types of business organizations found in different cultures.
Understanding Arabs - Nydell, Margaret
The only good cross-cultural guide I've found for an overview of the framework of Arab
culture as well as for each of the nineteen Arab countries and their differences.
Understanding Cultural Differences - Hall, Edward T.
& Mildred Reed Hall
If you think all Europeans are alike, and not that different from Americans, this book is
an eye-opener. Based on their decades of research into and writing about intercultural
relations, the authors examine the three countries individually and in relation to one
another. And, they give lots of advice to avoid the misunderstandings and
miscommunications that can occur among businesspersons from these cultures.
When In Rome... - Mole, John
A perceptive and entertaining guide through the corporate minefield of twelve nations of
the European community. It's also a practical rule book to help you avoid the faux pas
that can spoil cross-cultural business relationships.
With Respect to the Japanese - Condon, John C.
A great little book that examines the critical values, attitudes and behaviors that affect
the way Japanese and Americans perceive and react to one another.